Tuesday, November 1, 2016

An Open Letter To Ms. Hillary Rodham Clinton

Ms. Clinton,

I am writing this letter because you seemed a mite bit confused why you are in the predicament you find yourself.  You seem under the impression others are at fault for your poll numbers going down and a vast majority of the American population believing you should be indicted for the various and sundry charges which could be filed.

The reason you find yourself with these challenges aren't the Russian intelligence services. It wasn't the "vast right wing conspiracy". It wasn't FBI Director James Comey. it wasn't Donald Trump. It wasn't Wikileaks. It wasn't Julian Assange. It wasn't Huma Abedin. It wasn't Anthony Weiner. It wasn't Leon Podesta. It was you and the choices you made. No one else.

You see, you are finding out what the vast majority of us already know. It is also the reason some of us would never vote for you. You and your husband (remember when he ran and the thing we were getting two intelligent people for the price of one) refuse to take responsibility for your actions. You chose to have an unclassified private email server even though policy and law said you weren't suppose to. You chose to put classified email on an unclassified server even though having been in government in some fashion for at least the past 30 years and been exposed to and taught how to handle classified information throughout that tenure from your time on the Watergate Committee onward.

You see I handled classified information during my 12 years in the Marine Corps, some of it as a Special Security Office Chief; so, that explanation doesn't fly with me. It doesn't pass the smell test. It is a rudimentary and common sense rule for anyone who has handled this type of information you do not put classified information on an unclassified system or on any device which is connected to an unclassified network. Anyone who has been indoctrinated, when they sign their Non-Disclosure Agreement, they are explained the rules for handling said information. Privates learn how to properly handle classified information everyday. Again, your excuse just doesn't pass the smell test.

In those emails which were part of the hack of the Democratic National Committee detail them and your campaign colluding to rig the Democrat Primary. You rigged an election. You are a cheat and have a difficult time with the truth. Yes, the emails were obtained in a questionable manner, but their actual validity has never been challenged. You rigged an election.

You lied to the American people by claiming the attack on the United States consulate in Benghazi, Libya was caused by a video when you knew all along (as documented in the emails you tried to destroy). You did not tell the truth about help being told to stand down; they were told to stand down. Those 4 men were left to die; abandoned by their government to protect a failed foreign policy you helped devise. Just like the failed foreign policy you came up to have a "reset" with the Russian Federation; another failure. And the failed foreign policy you came up with to deal with middle east violent extremist groups (since you just can't bring yourself to identify them as the militant Islamist they are) has been a failure as documented by the rise of ISIS/ISIL/DAESH. You are incompetent.

Ma'am you chose to put that information at risk. I say again, you chose to put that information at risk. It would never have been exposed if it hadn't been put at risk. You can't take responsibility, you are don't deserve to be President. You are incompetent as demonstrated by your actions, you don't deserve to be President. You feel entitled, you don't deserve to be President. You feel you are above the law, you don't deserve to be President.

Anyone who can really be intellectually honest about your actions, and your reactions to their becoming public, would never be able to vote for you.

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