Tuesday, January 17, 2017

What Is Going On?

I am really trying to wrap my head around the convoluted thinking in our social and political system; to me it is backwards. The people who lose their competition, be it a game or political contest, seem to think the winner should come to them and acknowledge their presence or point of view. I am sorry, but the whole event was to learn who had the better game or ideas. Those who did not win should have to acknowledge their ideas or effort did not take the day and acknowledge their need to improve their skills or ideas.

The just completed presidential election is a case in point. Democrats were found to have not had adequate security on their information systems and had information copied and distributed. This information demonstrated their lack of integrity in holding a free and fair nominating process, a disregard for any rules or conventions of behavior and just a total lack of integrity about anything. It was a “means justifies the ends” mentality.

Now after having the intelligence organizations and Justice Department confirm a free and fair election which they lost, they have the nerve to say Mr. Trump is not the legitimate president. The only evidence of possible vote tampering was in Detroit, Michigan where Democrats control the process. They lost fair and square, yet can’t abide not having their hands held, and be told they still have some control. I’m sorry but I remember them saying “elections have consequences”. They just don’t like the consequences because they lost.

I would love Mr. Trump and others to just tell them to stay away; let America see your sour grapes attitude for what it is. Please continue to act as a petulant child who didn’t get their way. Continue to display the attitude and behavior of a sore loser. Let America see you for who you really are.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Thoughts On Various Things

I have been watching the Sunday morning news talk shows and am so amazed at the worry and lack of objectivity displayed about what is going on and how these indviduals are considered smart and leaders while being so demonstrably ill equipped for the roles they are playing.

Anyone who thinks the Russians, Chinese, Iranians, North Koreans or any other entity in the world isn’t trying to influence United States policy, attack the United States in every way possible, or undermine United States efforts throughout the world and to push their own agendas is living in a fantasy world. Theses countries would be remiss if they did not push their country’s agenda just as we would do; to think otherwise is living with blinders on and not understanding the threats that exist in a world of diverse interests and agendas.

We have to find ways to communicate and work with those we can on some issues and identify and acknowledge the things on which we disagree. The way we do this, without open warfare, is through dialogue, diplomacy, and military strength. All these things work together to push the American agenda forward. For us, the American agenda is the sole priority; if it coincides with others that is great, but what is in our interest is what is important. It is this American priority which is at odds with the Globalist agenda. We must have an American agenda. Our interests are what any American President must advocate and pursue in every arena.

It is time to clean up the intelligence community and remove politics from that portion of government. Senator McCain gave the fake dossier on President Elect Trump to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in December, no one checked to see if Michael Colvin had actually been in Prague, Czech Republic in all that time to vet the information before it was briefed to President Obama, President Elect Trump and their teams on January 6th, 2017 with the tools at their disposal? That just isn’t credible they have access to passport records.

 Democrats need to learn to have some integrity before they start flinging accusations regarding legitimacy about anything. Their nominee destroyed information needed in an investigation, compromised classified information, and rigged their party’s nominating process; these facts are not in dispute. They are the party hanging paintings in the Capital portraying police officers as pigs. They are the partying giving legitimacy to a group which has put those same police officer’s lives at risk. They are the party which tries to divide us into various constituencies based on ethnicity, sexual orientation and any other difference which can be identified. They are the party which believes non-citizens should vote in elections. You should clean your own house before going after others and talking of introducing disinformation into a presidential election.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Ethics and Principles And Integrity

I have been watching and listening with interest for some time to people whom I talk with and supposedly share a common set of ethics, principles, and values; yet, when it comes to really putting those supposed personal standards into practice by how we treat others, vote, or handle our business, those standards no longer hold any sway.

We are said to share a common religious heritage, a common belief in treating others how we would like to be treated, stealing and lying are wrong, abortion is wrong, you shouldn’t expect others to provide other than short term assistance. You are responsible for your actions and decisions. We should try to assist those less fortunate than ourselves. Accountability is important in trying to help someone achieve the goals they have set for themselves, especially if we are the ones providing assistance in their achieving those goals.

The sad truth is, none of that goes beyond the words spoken. It is evidenced by the Christian church actively lacking a “Widows and Orphans” list or program. The church has abdicated that responsibility to the State for a multitude of reasons; none good. The church’s clearest indication of its true faith is caring for widows, orphans and those who live at the fringes of society. How we treat those most different from ourselves is the true standard by which the church will win or lose the spiritual battle in this country and our world.

One reason is the growing animosity between the Church and Government. The Courts have been creating, over time, a distance and hostility through the decisions which have been rendered. The “free exercise”of religion is being increasingly eroded by each successive decision. Forcing Christians to participate in events which are anathema to their conscience, removing prayer from schools, attempts to restrict free assembly through the use of zoning ordinances, and removing school choice options are all examples.

Another reason is the actual message being preached from the pulpits of our churches and a lack of adherence to the clear, unambiguous teaching of Scripture. We have many churches which preach God’s blessing are primarily material and are contingent upon the amount of money tithed or donated to the church or a feel good message which reduces the conviction of our transgressions to give us greater self esteem.

Scripture says the Gospel is Christ and Him crucified. We are to be brought to an understanding of our sin nature, our need of a Savior, repentance, and acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. There is no other name under heaven by which humans must be saved. We do not teach this enough in the church as a whole because it causes self reflection and self evaluation; we don’t like that. We have become a people who want to hear how wonderful we are and even our mistakes aren’t that bad; especially when compared to what we know others have done.

Christians can talk about the wrong in the world all we want, but until we are actually pursuing remedies and being active in our communities and giving God the glory for what is done, we are tilting at windmills. We should not expect non-Christians to act as Christians;  especially, when we who call ourselves Christians don’t.

We have to be a living example of the change we want to see. We have to be honest with our struggles and how we overcome them. God is the source of our strength and sustenance. He is the reason we are able to accomplish anything; we can do nothing in and of ourselves. The glory is His.

Remember, faith without works is dead. We are saved by grace, not works, lest any man should boast. The works come as we submit daily to Christ and His calling on our lives. We will naturally do those things which He lays on our hearts as we submit and allow Him to live through us for the world to see. We will also naturally give Him the glory because we know it is Him living through us accomplishing whatever is done.

Until we, as a body of believers known corporately as the Church, submit individually and collectively to God in all we do; our families, churches, communities, counties, states, nation and world will not change. We must give everything to God and allow His will to be shown. He is to get the glory not an individual, not a church, and not an organization. God is to get the glory. He must have all of us and it is something we must strive to do in every aspect of our lives.