Tuesday, January 17, 2017

What Is Going On?

I am really trying to wrap my head around the convoluted thinking in our social and political system; to me it is backwards. The people who lose their competition, be it a game or political contest, seem to think the winner should come to them and acknowledge their presence or point of view. I am sorry, but the whole event was to learn who had the better game or ideas. Those who did not win should have to acknowledge their ideas or effort did not take the day and acknowledge their need to improve their skills or ideas.

The just completed presidential election is a case in point. Democrats were found to have not had adequate security on their information systems and had information copied and distributed. This information demonstrated their lack of integrity in holding a free and fair nominating process, a disregard for any rules or conventions of behavior and just a total lack of integrity about anything. It was a “means justifies the ends” mentality.

Now after having the intelligence organizations and Justice Department confirm a free and fair election which they lost, they have the nerve to say Mr. Trump is not the legitimate president. The only evidence of possible vote tampering was in Detroit, Michigan where Democrats control the process. They lost fair and square, yet can’t abide not having their hands held, and be told they still have some control. I’m sorry but I remember them saying “elections have consequences”. They just don’t like the consequences because they lost.

I would love Mr. Trump and others to just tell them to stay away; let America see your sour grapes attitude for what it is. Please continue to act as a petulant child who didn’t get their way. Continue to display the attitude and behavior of a sore loser. Let America see you for who you really are.

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