Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Socialism, Really?

I can't believe we still have those within our country who want to go to the failed system of Socialism and the impingements on liberty it will entail. Of course, I never thought we would have those who would want to protect their feelings getting hurt by words; but we do have that in "hate speech" codes and laws. What are we becoming? Are we afraid for someone to disagree with and challenge our beliefs? Are we that insecure in our belief system? I am dumbfounded to how my nation has changed in my 51 years. I am truly ashamed of what we are becoming.
This country was founded on the principle of individual freedoms upon which the State could not infringe. We are consciously now doing away with those liberties, granted to us as human beings, because we can no longer handle the most important of those rights....personal responsibility. We want someone else to take responsibility for our housing, medical needs, sustenance, education, and emotional well being. We want to live in this prote ctive cocoon where we are allowed to do as we want without the responsibility of our actions and to not be told we just might be wrong in our way of thinking. We want to believe these things cost no one anything, most of all us, and live trouble and responsibility free. Sorry but there is no such thing as a free lunch; someone always has to foot the cost. The laws of physics apply even to economics. If you give something somewhere you have to take it from somewhere else.
Why should those who are willing to take the responsibilities which go along with those basic human rights have to foot the bill for those who will not?  Why is it not understood, and taught, that to provide you with something you don't have to pay for; someone else has to have that which they earned, taken away from them. This isn't a function of the state, or shouldn't be though we have made it one. You are responsible for you.
As a Christian, I will tell you I and the rest of Church have a responsibility to care for those less fortunate than ourselves. I try to do just that. My guide in those efforts is the Bible and the teachings it contains. Those teachings tell me, these efforts are to come through the Church so God gets the glory for those gifts and actions. It is to be a part of evangelism and demonstrating the love of Christ to those and put them on a road to being able to take care of themselves and then assist with caring for the less fortunate. The State is to have no involvement; especially one which is secular.
How, in this country, have we somehow brought into existence a moral standard which doesn't put personal responsibility front and center in each citizen's mind? Why isn't basic economics taught to enable our people to understand basic debits and credits. It is the rotten foundation which our out of control national debt is built upon. We think we should have the big house or car someone else has just because we want it, or it makes us feel bad not to have it. We should be taking the desire for those things and using it to fuel our legitimate efforts to attain those baubles instead of being resentful someone has something we don't. We aren't entitled to have what others have! You want it, earn it!
Listen if someone disagrees with you on an issue and your feelings get hurt or you become uncomfortable, check yourself. In that instance it is incumbent upon you to first analyze your own belief system and work through the issues there to enable you to effectively discuss your beliefs. Usually if you are having an issue with what someone says to where you are feeling that threatened, you are the one insecure.

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