Friday, June 3, 2016

I Am Voting For Donald Trump

As I have watched this presidential campaign unfold, as an independent, I was watching to see whom the major parties would nominate and whom I could have enough in agreement to vote for.c
The Democrats are certain to nominate a woman who has failed at everything she has tried; from being fired from the Watergate Commission for ethics violations to a failed attempted to pass health care reform during her husband's administration to her failed "reset" of U.S. and Russian relations to leaving for men to die in Benghazi, Libya after they had asked for security upgrades for over a year to storing classified material on an unauthorized email server because she couldn't be bothered to do things the correct way or arming ISIS to her general inability to tell the truth about anything. I can't vote for that candidate or any socialist whatsoever; socialism is a historically failed system wherever it has been tried.
I also cannot support a party which embraces speech codes, hires people to protest at an opponent's political rallies; both of which stifle people's First Amendment rights. I cannot vote for a party which doesn't understand that sexual predators will use any means possible to get their prey which is enabled by allowing men to use women's dressing rooms and restrooms. It isn't a concern about the less than 1% of the population which is transgendered; but rather, the sexual predators which will use that opportunity to attack those they want. I cannot vote for a party which believes I should be held accountable for something done over 100 years ago which my ancestors had no part in. I cannot support a party which thinks the government should take money I have earned through my toil and give it to someone who isn't willing to put in the effort to work for the lifestyle to which they aspire.
This left me looking at the other parties with candidates. I looked at the Libertarians, but I don't believe all drugs should be legalized or open borders. I looked seriously at the Constitution Party but they have not really reached a point where I feel they are a legitimate alternative.
After watching the events of the last several weeks at Donald Trump rallies, I am voting for Mr. Trump. I am tired of people who can't protest, but would rather turn a legitimate protest into a criminal activity by damaging property and people. I am against ILLEGAL immigration! I am for LEGAL immigration! If you do not know the difference get yourself educated. If you came here and didn't do so via the proper process, you have done it illegally; you should be sent back to your home country.

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