Friday, September 2, 2016


The rise of globalism and the turning of the tide against is front and center in the current United States presidential election. Ms. Clinton is a globalist and Mr. Trump is not.

Ms. Clinton seems to believe we need to make trade deals with groups of countries who are not developed and ship American jobs over there in a vain attempt to achieve her perception of "social justice" and "income equality".
Ms. Clinton believes the United States should continue to be the world's policeman, to allow other countries with vibrant economies who claim to be our allies, to hide under the umbrella of our military might when they are very much capable of funding their own defense.
Ms. Clinton believes every wrong in the world is the responsibility of the United States to fix because we are the sole superpower and need to get involved in every scrap or disagreement which comes our way. She believes we have an obligation to take in every stray whether they agree with the foundational beliefs of our constitutional republic or are diametrically opposed.
The issue I have with all this is the fraud which is perpetrated against the American people when these bottles of snake oil are advertised as bringing more trade and jobs to the United States. I am sorry, but that wasn't true of NAFTA, just ask those who formerly had a job in the auto industry in and around Detroit, Michigan. Look at our trade deficits and the loss of manufacturing jobs in this country. More such agreements would bring the same results.
We can no longer afford these kinds of one sided deals. The American people should not be sacrificing their standard of living to bring the rest of the world to the level we have reached. We have over 94,000,000 people out of the work force because of the failed current trade agreements and the current administration's economic policies. Ms. Clinton would carry on these things. She was for the Trans Pacific Partnership before she was against it.

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