Thursday, September 1, 2016

The Case Against Hillary Clinton For President

I am not a Hillary Clinton fan, never have been. Neither am I a fan of Donald Trump. That being said, I am going to vote for Donald Trump because he is the lesser of two (2) evils by a wide margin. I am going to lay out the reasons below.

1. Hillary Clinton is anti-Christian.
Ms. Clinton has said on numerous times that when it comes to abortion and homosexuality and a number of other social issues, Christians must change their tune. Well, sorry but the Word of God as put forth in The Bible trumps anything Ms. Clinton believes. The Bible is very clear on all these issues. Abortion is the taking of a human life; the unborn child's DNA and blood type prove he/she to be a unique human being. Homosexuality is a sin as the Bible clearly states. I believe people of Ms. Clinton's belief system should learn the difference between the meaning of the words "tolerance" and "acceptance".
2. Ms. Clinton Rigged The Democrat Primary
With the release of the emails via Wikileaks it is clear the Democrat primary was rigged to allow Ms. Clinton to win. There was collusion at every level and the media is complicit. Instead of focusing on the truth of the emails, which aren't  in dispute, they are focusing on how the information was gathered and released.
3. Ms. Clinton was fired from the Watergate Commission for ethics violation.
4. Ms. Clinton is in the pocket of Wall Street and foreign interest as evidenced by the emails and campaign financial documents which have been released.
5. Ms. Clinton is a failure at foreign policy as evidenced by the failed Russian reset and the state of the world today which is a direct result of her tenure as Secretary of State. She armed the very groups which attacked the consulate in Benghazi. She armed ISIL/ISIS/Daesh even though she new they were Islamic radicals.  She is incompetent.
6. When security lapses were identified at the consulate in Benghazi,  and other allies and non-governmental organizations had evacuated, funds were allocated to improve security for over a year before the attack and never approved for use by Ms. Clinton. This directly lead to the death of the 4 heroes of Benghazi.
7. When explaining the attack to the world, she put the blame on a video which she knew at the time was a lie.
8. She exposed classified information to the world by using a private email server contrary to State Department policy and a breaking of federal law and a violation of the Non-Disclosure Agreement she would have signed as a result of having a clearance for classified information.
9. Ms. Clinton engaged in a "pay for play" scheme while Secretary of State as documented by the book "Clinton Cash" and other sources of which the information has never been denied.
10. She refuses to acknowledge the danger inherent in the ideology of radical Islam and its incompatibility with the Constitution of the United States.
11. She is a globalist through and through. She is willing to sacrifice the sovereignty of the United States to her perceived betterment of the world. She supports trade agreements like NAFTA which lead to the loss of millions of American jobs. It is these types of agreements which have lead to the ruin of our manufacturing sector. Look at Detroit to see the end result of policies such as these.
12. She advocates policies which would increase our national debt above the $ 19 trillion it is now.
13. Ms. Clinton is an individual who believes the current immigration law, which has never been fully implemented or enforced by either party, should be done away with and a new law with amnesty for those who have broken the existing law and are in the country put in its place. Before we attempt to fashion a new law, let's enforce the current one, see if it works, and go from there. You do not reward those who have broken the law, thus demonstrating contempt for the rule of law, by granting them amnesty.
I am all for legal immigration because there are those all over the world who are going about the process of immigrating to the United States in the proper legal manner. To allow others to be rewarded for breaking that law would be a slap in the face to those who are doing things correctly and demonstrating a respect for the rule of law.
14. Ms. Clinton cares nothing for the rule of law as demonstrated by her use of the personal email server, her quid pro quo behavior while Secretary of State, and not wanting to enforce current immigration law.
15. She refuses to acknowledge facts regarding the issues confronting those in our country who are socially, fiscally, and educationally disadvantaged. She continues to believe in the failed policies which have seen 5 and 6 generations of families still on government assistance with no end in sight for their self-sufficiency. In fact, she would continue and expand upon the policies adopted by the Obama administration which now see more people on government assistance than in the work force. She believes social justice as taking from those who are productive and giving that which they produce to those which haven't earned it or produced.
Justice is everyone having an equal opportunity and succeeding or failing on their own merits and the "content of their character". No group of people are inherently good or evil; each group has individuals who are one or the other. As long as we allow politicians, like Ms. Clinton, to pit us against one another according to our ethnicity or melanin content, the divisions we allow with persist and grow.

That is the case against Ms. Clinton and the facts aren't in doubt. She is what she is and has always been. Corrupt to the core.

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