Friday, November 13, 2015

The Tirade

I have been watching CBSN via my Roku and they have been lambasting Donald Trump for his speech yesterday in Iowa and the way he spoke about his opponents for the Republican nomination. They are so upset by the manner in which he did it. They don't understand why he is still in front and I think I know the answer, though I haven't made my mind up yet about whom I am going to vote.

The reason he is ahead is he is saying exactly what he thinks in a largely unfiltered way and it is extremely refreshing and comes closest to what true honesty is about. Most politicians speak in a way to ensure they upset the least amount of people, thereby (at the very least) obfuscating the truth. Just tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may. Truly exercise the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. I know I am sick and tired of the politicians we have in this country who have no ethics, no morals, and are afraid to have some integrity and truly stand on their principles and the principles this country was founded on.

One such principle, you are not entitled to have someone else fund your lifestyle. If you want things, work for and earn them. You are your responsibility; you are not someone else's.

You are not given the guarantee to not be offended or hurt by what someone else says.

All lifestyles are not morally or ethically equal.

Sharia law is incompatible with the United States Constitution.

We are not an "open borders" country. Enforce the doggone immigration laws which are currently on the books before passing new ones. Until the current law is really enforced; you do not know if it is adequate or not.

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