Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Afraid To Tell The Truth

I am so tired of people afraid to tell the truth about what is happening to our country and the enemies we face. The terrorist attack at the nightclub in Orlando, Florida in the early morning hours of 12 June 2016 is a perfect example. We have the President of the United States and the individual from his political party who hopes to be his successor afraid to call the act, its motivation, and the reason for it by name.  The cowardice that demonstrates proves both are unworthy to lead a cub scout troop.
If you do not have the intestinal fortitude to call things as they are you are a coward. Mr. Mateen called 911 to swear his allegiance to ISIS. Mr. Mateen shouted Allahu Akbar as he was conducting the attack. Mr. Mateen has been investigated twice for his connection to Islamic fundamentalist groups. These are facts not in dispute and to not meet them directly in an effort to preserve some people's feelings is ludicrous and harmful. You must identify the challenge to face it. Islamic fundamentalism is the issue.
Instead, President Obama and Ms. Clinton choose to blame an inanimate object for the actions of an animate human being motivated by an ideology which believes it is okay to behead those who do not accept your belief system, punish women who are raped by convicting them of adultery, and that homosexuals should be killed for their behavior.
Christians know the Word of God says homosexuality is a sin, but do not wish to kill anyone. We do not wish to stop anyone from making those types of choices for themselves as free will is God's gift to us all. It also means we will not refrain from reaching out with the truth of God's Word; but violence is not part of that equation.
The American people have a clear choice when it comes to electing an individual who will actually face the real problems facing this country or one who will try to ignore and be in denial about the facts. Denial will kill you.

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