Thursday, June 30, 2016

Islamic Theology And The Constitution Of The United States Of America

One of the things which has struck me since the mass shooting at the gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida is the adamant way progressives have went after guns, but refuse to address the actual motivation behind the slaying of so many innocent human beings. They refuse to acknowledge the stated belief system of Islam and its implementation in national affairs through the use of Sharia law, an Islamic based legal system. They refuse to acknowledge the action taken in Orlando is totally consistent with the legal system instituted and being practiced in Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and others.

It is a legal system which has three (3) classes of people: Muslims, people of the Book (Christians and Jews), and everyone else. There are ways of dealing with each and it is completely based on the Quran and the Hadiths. It is the system with gives ISIS/ISIL its legal foundation and the reason it beheads those who aren’t of Muslim faith or those Muslims they feel are apostate. Yet there are actual members of the legislative and executive branches of our government who feel it is compatible with the rights codified to citizens of the United States in the Constitution.
Under Sharia a Muslim woman’s testimony is considered to be worth half as much as a Muslim man’s testimony. A non-Muslim’s testimony is not considered as reliable. The regard eyewitness testimony as having more weight than forensic/scientific evidence (which would include fingerprints, DNA, etc…). Women who are raped have to have 4 Muslim men to testify that it was a rape and if not they can be charged with adultery and put to death. Homosexuals who act upon their desires can be put to death. Those who are not Muslim in a country whose legal system is based upon Sharia, can be forced into accepting the status of dhimmi and forced to pay a tax to be allowed to lived there or the have to convert to Islam or be put to death. This is just some of the precepts of Sharia.
This is the system which motivates Al Queda, ISIS/ISIL, and other Muslim groups. I have to be fair and say not all Muslims feel this way, but the ones who are carrying out the attacks like Orlando, Boston, San Bernardino, and Istanbul are motivated by these ideals which are anathema to our way of life and our legal system based upon our Constitution. It is why the Constitution must not be weakened thereby weakening the rights codified for us in the Bill of Rights. It is why the separation of powers must be adhered to and no compromise be allowed. Denial of these differences is deadly, ask the survivors and the family members of those killed in Orlando.

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