Wednesday, August 31, 2016

What Is Hypocrisy?

I have a colleague with whom I can discuss any manner of things and it doesn't become an argument. I don't know if he truly believes the positions he takes or is just playing  "devil's advocate".

We were talking about faith and how it relates to issues of the day and influences my decisions and outlook about everything in life. I admitted I cannot live up to the standard as put forth in The Bible. He asked if that wasn't hypocritical. I really hadn't thought of it that way and now have. This is what I have come up with.

It isn't hypocritical because I am not hiding the fact I can't measure up to the standard I aspire to and which is set forth in the words contained in The Bible. I believe The Bible is the inspired, inerrant, immutable word of the living, omnipotent, omniscient,and omnipresent God. I am working my salvation out daily with "fear and trembling" and attempting to allow Christ to be seen more and more through me everyday. I am not hiding the fact I do not and cannot measure up to the standard I strive to meet; but neither do I live in condemnation because I can't. Because of this acknowledgment I am not being hypocritical. Anyone who knows me knows I am a very flawed individual with many issues to work through.

The wonderful thing about realizing the flawed and sinful creature I am is knowing I have but to accept the gift Christ gave through His death on the cross and then everyday allow myself to learn more about and draw closer to Him and He will begin making the changes in my life as I give Him more control and submit to His guidance. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus; His mercies are new everyday. I don't have to be perfect; no one has to be perfect.

This also means I have to realize my shortcomings and not take on a self-righteous attitude. I must stay humble and realize I am an unfinished work; as is everyone around me. I am not God's hall monitor, I don't give out detention slips. If I know a fellow believer is struggling with an issue I am to be there for them in prayer and as a brother or sister in Christ. God will deal with them as He chooses, I am to be there to love and be honest with them. I may even have to disassociate myself from them at some point; but it should never be judgemental or with a spirit of condemnation. There should always be a door left for a return.

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